Category: Connections Adult Day Services Updates!

Trishaw- Cycling Without Age

Cycling Without Age started 7 years ago in Denmark. The program pairs volunteer cyclists with seniors and people with disabilities. Created as a means to break stereotypical thoughts about our senior’s ability to engage in exciting, beautiful and meaningful activities, the trishaw bike brings the beauty of the community, experienced by the 5 senses, to…

Summer Transition Program

Connections Building Full LivesSummer Transition Program It will be an exciting summer for students interested in the Community Based Summer Transition Program through the Connections Program. The Summer Transition Program is unique because it is reality based and is conducted in the community as well as the classroom. Students will be learning about employment, independent…

Connections Adult Day Services in WI Rapids

Our unique program offers individualized services to each Participant in our program. Our highly trained staff focuses on each person’s ablilities and works toward  independence and productivity in every life we touch. We offer educational classes, science and technology, cooking class, crafting, gardening, life skills, physical activity, sensory stimulation and many community outings. Our spacious…