Category: Virtual Services Updates!

What is Self Determination and How can you live a Self Determined Life?

What is Self Determination? People with disabilities have the same right to, and responsibilities that accompany, self-determination as everyone else. They are entitled to opportunities, respectful support, and the authority to exert control in their lives, to direct their services, and to act on their own behalf. Quite simply, being self-determined means making things happen…

Book Club Virtual Class!

Class Name: Book Club Dates: Thursdays June 11, 18, 25, July 2,9,16,23,30 & August 6,13,20       Times: 9:00am-10:00am Allow yourself to get lost in your imagination as animated story tellers red books to you as part of this weekly Book Club. Goals: Active listening during storytelling can improve listening skills, comprehension and creativity. Interested in signing…

Building Full Lives Virtual Class

Class Name:  Building Full lives Dates: Wednesdays  June 10,17, 24, July 1,8, 15, 22, 29 & August 5,12,19           Times: 12:30pm-1:30pm Through this class, participants are engaged in discovery and exploration opportunities to learn about themselves and the community. Staff actively look for and highlight participants are supported to explore and learn about resources and opportunities…